A half-day workshop (a satellite for the Swedish e-Science Academy meeting at Lund) Common challenges in large-scale code development 17/10, 13.00- 17.00
– Published 17 June 2024

The development and maintenance of large-scale codes in the field of natural science is challenging. Many codes have grown ‘organically’ within scientific communities, relying on self-made programming knowledge. The meeting aims to address the challenges associated with development and maintenance of large scale codes in natural science by bringing together code maintainers, software developers and researchers from Swedish Universities. The goal of the meeting is to create a network of code developers to share the experiences in development and maintenance, and transfer the knowledge to the next generation.
The topics include:
- toolboxes and practices to build large codes
- automatic testing
- compilers and numerical issues
- code analysis tools (coverage, benchmarks, etc.)
- code optimization
- efficient libraries (BLAS, FFT, etc.)
If you have any questions, contact the organising committee:
Valera Veryazov, Philipp Birken, Joachim Hein, Robert Klöfkorn